Monday, July 21, 2014

A new low! Apparently setting the bar at cheryl strayed ( wild)'s low level was not low enough for us. Somebody ( me) managed to forget...... Their boots in Eugene. How is this even possible? Probably the single most important item we could own. Sigh. We can only aspire to be like you, cheryl strayed.


  1. Barefoot hiking? Or maybe you have that second pair of shoes handy? I have a mantra I use whenever I go out......"Keys (or skis), boots, poles" having forgotten each on trips at one time or another. Hard to ski without...reminds me to do my mental checklist.

  2. Hi Helen!!! Luckkkkily I had asked jeff to send an extra pair of boots to the next resupply, otherwise, yessss I'd be walking barefoot!!!

  3. "You need special shoes for hiking- and a bit of a special soul as well" - Terri Guillemets
