Monday, July 21, 2014

Fire! Oh no! We have just found out that the pct is closed for combined 80 miles , just above where we are! We are going to try to hike to big lake youth camp, pick up our resupply boxes and then-- who knows! Many of the hikers are hitchhiking to bend, then to timberline mountain lodge.

If so, that cuts about 6 days from our trip. We r bummed, and hoping that the trail will open up. We of course have no cell service. We will let u know.


  1. "The place where you lose the trail is not necessarily the place where it ends" - Tom Brown Jr.
    Be safe on your hitch, wish I was there to give you some roaming cell bars!! Keep your super cute swiss army knife handy when getting in to cotton-clad stranger's cars! I love you amazing sisters!!
    XOXOX kyliente
    P.S. say hi to gary/sophia/possum/trail guide if you happen to cross paths with them!!

    #Oregon #PCT #Pacific Crest Trail #Fire #Hitch hiking #blisters #sisters #PCT detour

  2. Don't mess around with fire. It will win. Be cautious about when/where to get back on the trail and listen to your inner voice when getting rides. I know you will, but a Moms got to say what a Moms got to say...

  3. Mosquitos and fires and blisters, oh my......Mosquitos and fires and blisters, oh my.....there is a path to the wizard....follow the safest route. Hugs.
