Tuesday, July 15, 2014


We have grown so much! On our first day we almost died after a 9mi hike and now we are confident in our ability to hike 22mi and properly plan where & when to break, filter the right amount of water, and cross reference our maps. We now have individual and extremely varied philosophies about blister treatment and time/mileage updates. We can ration cliff bars and energy chews like champs. We can properly lace our shoes and have intelligent 40min conversations about socks and shoe fit. I can now close my pocket knife after opening it to get rid of unneeded grams of packaging. We can hike through the pain of blisters, corndog toes, sprained ankles and frozen IT bands, DEET in eyes, my 50 thousand mosquito bites, redneck sunburns, mud, rain, snow, bruised hips and collarbones, and missing toenails. And most impressively surviving the stench of our socks trapped in a tent overnight. We are so hardcore...... sometimes.
Xoxox Kyliente


  1. It is truly amazing to me that you all went from no hiking experience and no gear to where you are today. I think the other hikers are just jealous of your resupply boxes. Thankfully Amazon has not yet started their drone deliveries or I could only just imagine...

  2. You are all having a wonderful experience. I warned you about blisters, that is a reason I gave you that book "Fixing your Feet" to read. Tying your shoes a different way can stop losing toenails (looping the laces at the top, Jean should know, I hope). Keep your socks dry, air them out during the hike. Good to hear from you Kylie

    1. Hi rick!!! We took your book to heart, and read it diligently.... But unfortunately our blisters came on the second day.... It was a long day., lots if downhill and we realized too late.
      Now we use glide, elasticon and assorted salves. We air our socks n feet midday , change them iften .... It just didn't help that our boots were too small. I took out the indoles, n connor just traded her 7 1/2 in for size 9.
      I think we are finally on the mend. Fellow through hikers tell us that it takes about 200-300 miles to get passed the blister stage. We r finally there!
