Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Day 1-5, in a nutshell!

Update day 1-5

One should never wait until the 14th day of ones' trip to start updating our events . But here goes:

Day 1: after being dumped off at the trail junction near the California border by jeff, Malcolm and Una, ( thank u loved ones!) we slowly hiked the 9miles to the fenced in spring with no fence. We stopped on the way for every flower, butterfly and huge dandelion on the way, took pics at pilot rock, and with extremely sore feet, we plomped down our heavy packs and fearlessly set up camp. We shortly met 9 other hikers- the fastest of the thru hikers from Mexico, who gave us words of wisdom.... Mostly about lightening our packs.

Day 2: 7/4 Fourth of July!!! fenced in spring to little Hyatt campground. 14 miles. By now we r dying of blisters. Uphilllllll. We found our way to the campsite after wandering for some time, showered at the campsite and jeff/ Malcolm and Una drove 15 minutes to bring us Hagen Daz ice cream and to take whatever we could unload from our packs. By now, the 50 plus pound pack is torture.

Day 3: 7/5 little Hyatt to almost brown shelter. 18.2 miles. Tried our hardest to get out of camp b4 9am, which seems to be our time. Made it to a spring by 3pm, and put our sore feet up for 3 hours then carried on until we could go no further.

Day 4: 14 miles, to fish lake resort. Beautiful day of hiking and beautiful resort. Soaked feet in the lake, took showers , got our first resupply boxes-- Christmas!!!!! Ok, now for the embarrassing part-- people actually lined up to take pictures of our boxes because they were so huge!!!!
So, fellow hiker Ian gave us the "shakedown", which means going through our packs to get rid of excess weight-- not hard to do in our case!!!

Day 5: after contemplating taking a " zero" day, we reluctantly headed back on the trail at 5:15 and hiked 9 miles uphill in the coolness of the evening to a meadow near summit lake. Mile 1789.

Will write more later... Battery low,

1 comment:

  1. Glad to read Connor and Kylie's blog posts to know that you are all doing well...the first five days sound grim. Transformations are tough but now you have turned into Amazons and truly own the trail. Congrats on your progress...both physical and mental. Huzzah! PS....your jackrabbit moniker should now be about your speed not your timekeeping....22 miles in a day is pretty fast.
