Monday, July 21, 2014

Twas the night before BLYC

I had the night before Christmas running through my head, and during the endless ascent of harsh crumbly lava rocks created a PCT version just for you:

'Twas the night before blyc
And all through the land
Not a creature was stirring
Not wolverine, horse or snake in the sand

Ian Jean and I were bundled up
Cozy as can be
While the wind whistled outside
Through the dead mastodon trees

As I lay in my bag
gazing up at the stars
I dreamed of a down puffy
And dark chocolate bars

The miles we just covered
Lay behind us, finally done
And the miles ahead
Promised adventure and fun

Who knows what could happen
with forest fires burning bright
The possibilities were endless
But for now it's goodnight

BLYC is big lake youth camp, our next resupply stop. The hiking was rough, a slow 14mi climb through a deserted landscape (2000 ft climb in under 2 mi). Jean has bronchitis. We slid and sludged through snow, sand and lava rocks; our bodies taking a beating.


  1. I love this ALMOST as much as I love you!! You all are constantly on my mind- glad to hear you have a plan in place regarding the fires- call me as soon as possible when you get to Bend! Wisdom of the day: She who limps is still hiking. XOXOXOXO your sister in spirit Kyliente

  2. Wow Connor! You climb 2000 feet and compose a poem? You are irrepressible. Glad to see you are not out of steam yet.
